Monday, February 8, 2010

Overdosed America

Ruth and I know that so many of our readers are hungry to learn more about how to navigate the complicated world of modern medicine and scientific research. That's why we gladly recommend Overdosed America, by John Abramson of Harvard Medical School, the detailed account of "how the pharmaceutical companies are corrupting science, misleading doctors and threatening your health." Not only is Abramson's advice and research clear and science-based but it cuts through the lies and inaccuracies that have led us as a nation down the path to chronic disease and financial ruin.

It starts with a simple notion, but one that has been nearly lost in current medical practice: if you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune disease, depression or even simpler problems like mild fever, headache or a sore throat, you should not think of drugs as your first choice. Medications have their place in extreme cases, but modern science is very clear that the most effective treatments are nutrition and lifestyle change. And this is what your doctor should be telling you first instead of reaching for the prescription pad.

Abramson goes on to explain that symptoms, be they headaches or weight gain, are the body's way of pointing out problems we must address to bring our health back into alignment. To cover up these symptoms with medications that treat the effects rather than the root causes of disease is a dangerous practice because all drugs are by nature toxic to some extent and they do little to nothing to improve your overall health. Insulin, cholesterol-lowering drugs, even simple Tylenol will do almost nothing to make you substantially healthier in the long run. They simply reduce your symptoms and give you a false notion of health.

The idea is, of course, not to avoid all drugs but rather to return them to their proper place. That is to say as a last resort and only until more effective modalities can be substituted. The body is a miraculous, self-healing wonder when allowed to do its job. Yet we have succumbed to the temptation to treat it as a piece of machinery with a pill for each and every little thing that ails us. If the result was greater health both individually and collectively it would be hard to find fault with this approach. But in a nation where 73% of Americans are obese or overweight, where 58% of Americans die needlessly of cardiovascular-related disease and where our collective health is threatening the economic survival of our nation, I'd say there's a problem.

In the evermore confused and confusing debate on health care, we feel that knowledge is our only hope. We must work to educate ourselves as consumers so as to better scrutinize the information that affects our health decisions. The political and monetary influence of drug companies has polluted medical practice and distorted reporting on scientific research for too long. And the myth of better living through science has made us the sickest people in history. It's high time we as Americans choose a different path.

But to do so, we must say no to the lies proffered by drug companies at our expense. There will be no cure for cancer unless it is lifestyle and diet-based. So let's stop throwing our money at pharmaceutical giants in the well-meaning but misguided attempt to help the millions of people who suffer needlessly from cancer. The science is very clear on this subject. Yet it has not had the chance to be heard by the American public. Make no mistake, the so-called "War on Cancer" is too good a business to allow scientific truth to get in the way.

That's why we as individuals must do more to promote the lost idea that nutritional intervention and lifestyle changes are not only more effective but far more affordable in avoiding, treating and even reversing the vast majority of the diseases that are bringing this nation of ours to its knees. Not only is it good science, but it makes good sense for everyone involved: our health care system, our communities, our families and ourselves.

Education and word-of-mouth are helping to create a veritable revolution in the health and vitality of our nation. The wisdom of researchers and doctors like Joel Fuhrman, T. Colin Campbell and John Abramson is helping to change the lives of millions of people. We can no longer continue to ignore their work and research and the positive changes they are introducing into so many people's lives.

The only question that remains is are you ready to get on board? We invite you to do so, both for your sake and for the sake of each and every loved one in your life. This isn't a sale's pitch, this is your health. It's time to take back control. It starts with education. Educate yourself, your friends and your family and you will change your world in ways you could've never imagined. I promise you that.


Unknown said...

i am ready to get on board and every day, i take one step in doing so. what i've been finding with this change in lifestyle is that i read some of these books and articles and start to feel panic, which i know is feuled by fear. i've been recognizing that when i operate from this place, i am very cruel and judgemental with myself. i know this response is because the disappointment and anger i feel towards the scientific community, makes me hostile and agressive. to counter this information i've been trying to also balance my knowledge with books that speak of kindness and love in making different food choices. i know for me the news and lies create an inner chaos that almost derails me. i've been exploring other books that share the wisdom of dr. fuhrman combined with an insights that empower me to heal. i've been reading the self healing cookbook and other resources that illumniate my path and help me make this change with love as you do.

be well little cell said...

I can certainly identify with the anger and disappointment you feel towards the scientific community.

But I think we can transform that into positive action and use this information as a motivation to become our own primary health-care givers.

We needn't be the victims our health care system encourages us to be. We can take back control and make our health the foundation of a rich, purposeful life.

By doing so we'll help not only ourselves but all those we come in contact with daily. The stakes are simply too high to let fear get in the way.