Monday, January 25, 2010

We have nutritarian friends everywhere! Meet our friend Rose. In this photo, we're making whole wheat flat breads from organic whole wheat flour and water. Those are the only two ingredients!

They're so easy and they are really good with soups and salads or stuffed with veggies like a sandwich or wrapped up with beans and veggies like burritos. They're versatile and tasty and inexpensive to make. You should try it sometime!

Rose has been studying Eat To Live and recently decided to make a life changing commitment by renovating her diet. And she's going to allow us to share some of her journey here on our blog. In fact, many of our friends are making huge and remarkable changes in their diets and each of them agreed to answer questions and share their experiences with us and you too. So you can look forward to reading about friends and family members who see the value in changing their eating practices.

In the past few weeks I have been moved to tears to see how active our friends have become in embracing a nutritarian diet. I have been truly inspired and my life has become even more rich here in France as we are now able to share more meals together, cook together and share ideas.
I have never had an experience like this and feel a sense of true community developing. It's the start of a new paradigm in a new world and I don't think we should underestimate the political voice these activities have. We're not only taking our health care into our own hands, we're creating a new community based on delicious, festive recipes prepared with friends on a regular basis.

Each person who eliminates meat from their diet, is one less person perpetuating factory farming. That means one less person buying foods which are packaged or highly processed, which means one less person making pathogenic garbage which will be thrown into the landfills. But most importantly, it means more people to share your delicious recipes and ideas with.
Seriously, eliminating risk for disease and helping to save the planet. How can you refuse this change my friends? And when you're ready, we're here. And there are so many others now to support your truly powerful decision. As powerful as your vote, maybe more so, is your decision to change your diet. It doesn't have to be personally political but if you've been inspired to improve your health by changing your diet, you will inadvertently improve the health of your nation and that is as political as anyone really needs to be.

Shredded Veggie Soup #1

Add the following to a large soup pan

2 shredded carrots

2 shredded zuchini

1 shredded eggplant

1 shredded red, green and yellow bell pepper

2 diced onions

2 minced garlic cloves

1 bunch of fresh basil, minced

Cover the veggies with water and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down and simmer the soup for another 30 to 40 minutes. Add 3 humongous handfuls of sliced fresh spinach, chard or bok choy, cover the pot with a lid and turn the heat off. Allow the greens to wilt and then garnish with dried onion flakes and slices of avocado. Go make this recipe right now and eat it with a huge salad and tell us what you think.

Assignment, should you choose to participate: Go to your kitchen right now. Throw away your salt and anything in your refrigerator with salt in it. Go on, be brave.

And until next time,
Be Well Little Cell