Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Stretch Run

Day 11 has begun of our 12 day saga and I want to reassure everyone that there have been no deaths, faintings or other serious medical episodes. Just a lot of sitting around trying to pass the time in an enjoyable way. As I noted in an earlier post, perhaps the biggest pleasure of food and eating is the ritual that is hidden in its very necessity. It is after all the reason we're on this planet, to seek out, harvest and ingest the best that nature has to offer.

The point of this blog of course is to offer a different vision of eating. One where obesity, disease and guilt are entirely absent. One where joy and communal participation are fundamental. It is a whole new ballgame so to speak. And everyone's invited to come and play. So please tell your friends, inform yourself as much as possible and if you have questions or objections please ask us via the feedback option.

You can email us too. The real goal is dialogue. That rare commodity in this the new Age of Twitter. Your voice is a powerful tool that can reshape the world. So why not use it to demand a new and more hopeful world for yourself and your children?

Dr. Joel Fuhrman:

"Whatever difficulties you are facing in your life, not having good health magnifies every problem. Having the opportunity to enjoy great tasting healthy food flown in from all over the country in modern times is a blessing unavailable to prior generations and almost any population in the history of the world.

This knowledge and the opportunity it gives you is a blessing. Sad that more people don't really know about it and how fantastic healthy food can taste. I hope you enjoy every bite with a smile. You can't do that when you go for that quick high with junk, it passes your lips in a minute but then gives you continual suffering that lasts.

But when you achieve that victory of earning good health back, you stand as an example to influence others into better health. Then you continue to gain personal satisfaction, and a victory that keeps on giving you that feeling of accomplishment every day of your life."

So until next time, be well little cell.

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